Description: Typically, Reptilians are described as 6 to 8 feet tall, bipedal, having scaly green,yellow,blue,purple,red or orange skin, have large eyes usually yellow or gold,red or blue with a vertical pupil. refer to them as dinosauroids, lizardfolk or lizardmen. Other names include Draconians, Chitauri?, Saurians and Sauroids. They are often described as being green or gold color.
Mythological references to reptilian humanoids
Several ancient peoples all over the world have described reptilian beings, and some have described reptilian humanoids. Common in numerous mythologies are tales of reptilian creatures (usually not humanoid) who are often, but not always, hostile to human beings. Also rather common are the myths of "Serpents of Wisdom" who enlightened humanity before the dawn of civilization.
Some individuals, doubting claims of reptilian humanoid sightings or contacts, suggest that the mythological preeminence of reptilian forms could stem from a genetic memory of instincts developed millions of years ago, when mammals were the prey of the reptiles which dominated the Earth. Dreams of reptiles are often interpreted as symbolizing "ancient drives" and "instinctive responses".
The Americas
The Hopi refer to a race of reptoids called the Sheti, or "Snake-Brothers", who live underground. The Cherokee and other Native American peoples also refer to reptoid races.
In pre-Columbian mythology from Colombia, Bachue (the primordial woman) transformed into a big snake. She is also sometimes called the "Celestial Snake" (Serpiente Celestial).
Many users of the drug Dimethyltryptamine (the active ingredient in many South American shamanic potions such as ayahuasca) have seen reptilian humanoids or reptilian disincarnate entities and aliens while hallucinating (Strassman 2000).
Cecrops I, the legendary first King of Athens was said to have been half man, half snake. The ancient Titans and Gigantes were sometimes depicted as winged man-like beings with serpents instead of legs, for example on a fresco on a temple in Pergamum. In these images from Pergamum, some of which depict the gigantomachy, one sees the giant Klyteios with huge serpents in place of legs.
Boreas (Aquilon to the Romans) was the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by Pausanias as a winged man with serpents for legs.
The European dragon dates back to ancient depictions on various archaeological artifacts. An early instance in literature was the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece in the Voyage of the Argonauts. In the Middle Ages, tales of dragons seem to have become even more common. The dragon in Europe, as a rule, was not conceived as having a humanoid form, and would not qualify as an instance of a reptilian humanoid unless explicitly described as humanoid.
In Indian scriptures and legends the Naga are reptilian beings said to live underground and interact with human beings on the surface. Some are alleged to turn human. In some versions, these beings were said to have once lived on a continent in the Indian Ocean that sank beneath the waves. Indian texts also refer to a reptilian race called the "Sarpa. The Syrictae of India were a tribe of men with snake-like nostrils in place of noses and bandy serpentine legs.
East Asia
The Chinese, Korean and Japanese speak throughout their history of Lóng (Yong in Korean, Ryu in Japanese) or dragons, conceived of in both physical and non-physical forms, but rarely depicted in humanoid form, though they may assume a non-reptilian human form.
The Japanese have tales of Kappa, a basically reptilian humanoid.
In China, Korea and Japan, underwater realms where the Dragon Kings and their descendants live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of dragons. This lineage was often claimed by Asian Emperors, who were believed to be able to change from human to dragon form at will, much like the modern concept of shapeshifting reptilians. However, the dragon is seen as good rather than evil in Eastern tradition.Middle East-
Because Yahweh was a Gray that created Jews and Reptillians were the enemies of Greys. Jews believe Reptilles are evil, eg the snake which is why most Christians fear snakes.
In Africa, some shamans claim to bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians called the Chitauri, whom they say control the Earth. They also claim to have accounts of a reptilian race who created them and used them to work their gold mines. Also, the ancient Egyptian god Sobek was portrayed as a man with the head of a crocodile.
Reptilian race called the Draco, originating in the Draco star system.
The Reptilians are the creation of the Carians, (Bird Headed Beings) their parent race. They evolved on a planet in the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation. The royal line of Reptilians are the Draconians, or Winged Dragons from the House of El. Reptiles have two major sub races, Winged Serpents (Snakes) and Lizards (Lizzies.) Reptilians have a highly sophisticated knowledge of universal law and are allegedly responsible for the Mystery School Teachings on Earth. The Reptilians allegedly were given a creational agenda by the Carians. They were to move through the universe and destroy any existing civilization they found along the way, recreating new DNA codes and entities following those codes. It was part of a Master Plan, a Universal Game, Polarity Integration, reality in conflict, an experiment in emotions, resulting in soul evolution at the end of the cycles of its existence.
Belt Stars of Orion, Three Main Pyramids, Giza Plateau
In the beginning ...
Sirius, Queen's Chamber (Feminine), Pleiades (Sister Stars)
Orion, Kings Chamber, Thuban
Thuban, Gold, Snake, Alpha Draconis, Reptilian DNA Experiment
Thuban was the pole star when the pyramids allegedly were built and the program began.
Seamen called it 'The Dragon's Tail'.
Seamen / Semen / Seeding
About Thuban ... (See Draco Map Above)
Thuban (Draconis / Alpha Draconis) is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco. A relatively inconspicuous star in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, it is historically significant as having been the north pole star in ancient times. Even though Thuban carries the Bayer designation Alpha Draconis, at apparent magnitude 3.65 it is over a magnitude fainter than the brightest star in the constellation, Dra (Etamin), whose apparent magnitude is 2.23. Thuban is not bright enough to be viewed from light-polluted areas. The Alpha designation is apparently due to its history as the ancient pole star.
Given good viewing conditions, Thuban is relatively easy to spot in the night sky, due to its location in relation to the Big Dipper asterism of Ursa Major. While it is well known that the two outer stars of the 'dipper' point to the modern-day pole star Polaris, it is less well known that the two inner stars, Phecda and Megrez, point to Thuban, just seven and a half degrees of arc from Megrez.
Due to the precession of Earth's rotational axis, Thuban was the naked-eye star closest to the north pole from 3942 BC, when it moved farther north than Theta Boötis, until 1793 BC, when it was superseded by Kappa Draconis. It was closest to the pole in 2787 BC, when it was less than two and a half arc-minutes away from the pole. It remained within one degree of true north for nearly 200 years afterwards, and even 900 years after its closest approach, was just five degrees off the pole. Thuban was considered the pole star until about 1900 BC, when the much brighter Kochab began to approach the pole as well.
Having gradually drifted away from the pole over the last 4,800 years, Thuban is now seen in the night sky at a declination of 64° 20' 45.6", RA 14h 04m 33.58s. After moving nearly 47 degrees off the pole by 10000 AD, Thuban will gradually move back toward the north celestial pole. In 20346 AD, it will again be the pole star, that year reaching a maximum declination of 88° 43' 17.3", RA 19h 08m 54.17s.
11:11 Vertical Pupils - Balance
Quetzalcoatl Feather Serpent God, 2012, Mayan Calendar
to the Reptoids Research Center.
The Reptillians hate the Greys because Greys killed all the Dinosaurs.
Reptoids range from five and a half to 9 feet in height. They have lean, firm bodies with powerful arms and legs. They have long arms with three long fingers and an opposable thumb. Their feet have three toes and one recessed fourth that is toward the back side of their ankle. The claws are short and blunt. They do not have teats on their upper torso nor do they have a navel.
They have scaled skin that is usually greenish-brown in color. Some also have coffee colored scales that have dark green colored rims. The scales (or scutes) on their backs, thighs and upper arms are usually large. Their hands, abdomen and face are covered with smaller scales, allowing more flexibility. They have wide lipless mouths and the majority of them are reported to have differentiated types of dentition (teeth,) including canines (fangs.)
Reptoids have either large black eyes with vertical slit pupils or eyes that are white with flame colored vertical slit pupils. Their heads are slightly conical in shape and have two bony ridges riding from their brow, across their back sloping skull, toward the back of their head. (Throughout history, these bony ridges may have been misidentified as protruding horns.)
There appears to be no bridge between the Reptoids eyes. Their nasal openings are at the end of a small, flattened nose and are described as two small slits that slant upwards in a V formation.
Some experiencers have reported seeing small openings where ears are expected to be, but no flesh folds extending from the side of the head as human have.
Reptilian beings have no body or facial hair. Occasionally, eyewitnesses observed reptilian beings with thin, fleshy spines under their chins. From a distance, the spines are often misidentified as hair. (Even today, one can find lizards with these same fleshy spines under their chins. They are called Bearded Lizards.)
Reptoids having tails and non tailed reptoids have been reported over the years. The tails vary in size and are often observed as being held off the ground. Their posteriors are either like that of a human, with a vertical slit shielding an excretory orifice, or are comprised of a rounded muscular area, extending from the base of the spine to the upper thigh region.
Their genitalia are concealed within a vertical slit located at the base of the torso (cloaca.) In the case of women who claim to have experienced sexual encounters with reptoids (an experience that seems more psychological that physical in origin,) the male reptoids are described as having a penis that is lacking a soft sacked scrotum. Where the scrotum sack is located on a human, the reptilian male, apparently has a firm, muscular bulge leading from the base of the penis to the underside of the torso.
DRACO The Draco reptoids, usually standing seven to twelve feet tall, have been reported to be the royal elitists of the reptoid hierarchy. They are seen far less often than other reptoids types. The Draco are similar in appearance to the Reptoid, but they have distinct physical differences.
Draco have wings. These wings are made of long, thin bony spines or ribs that protrude out of their backs. The ribs are adjoined by flaps of leathery, blackish-brown skin. The wings are usually in a retracted position. In some instances, such as reported by author John Keel ('MothMan Prophecies), the beings matching descriptions of the Draco have been seen to actually fly by use of their wings. (With the beings neck cranked downwards upon spectators, the glowing red reflective eyes of a flying Draco would appear to be placed in the middle of their chest as described by eyewitnesses.)
In several contacts, people have seen reptilian looking beings wearing capes draped over their shoulders and down their backs. The capes may either be a piece of clothing specifically designed for covering the Dracos wings or their retracted, dark leathery flaps might be appearing to be a fabric-like material flowing across and down their shoulders and backs.
What strikes eyewitnesses the most about the Draco beings is that they have horns. (not pictured here). These may be long, bony ridges that run back along their slightly conical heads or they may also be actual, horny protuberances that developed midway between the brow and the top of the Dracos skull. (These classical physical characteristics attributed to the modern image of Satan.)
The Draco types appear to have a much more athletic build than the other reptilian beings. Their upper torsos are extremely lean and their neck muscles splay out from the base of their jaw to their shoulder blades. (Their lean build may result from the physical demands required to fly with the use of their wings?)
Some individuals, who had reported Draco contact, said that there were instanced when another Draco, with white powdery scales, approached and gave the others instructions. In every one of these cases, the greenish-brown Draco beings appeared to be submissive and highly respectful towards those with white scales. This reaction indicated that the Draco hierarchy is a caste system dependant on skin color (and possibly other unknown genetic traits).
Other non-human beings, such as the Greys, have also demonstrated similar respect for these winged beings, so it appears as though the Draco are the top dogs in alien command chain. What remains a mystery is whether these are commanders, kings, generals, politicians or simply caste socialites that are interacting with humans in advanced 'Black' projects of their own design.
In addition to the Draco and Reptoids, the various crossbreed types that many people claim to have encountered share the following physical characteristics.
Most of the reptilian-grey crossbreeds are rather diminutive in size. They are four to four and a half feet in height. They have oversized craniums, large black eyes with vertical slit pupils, no ears, slight torsos, arms and legs.
There have been reports of these creatures as having either three fingers with a fourth opposable or only three long fingers and no opposable fourth. They have been seen to have short claws and in some cases, no claws at all. Their feet are usually covered by the material of their suite, but some experiencers have described their feet as short and stubby, with no toes.
Amidst the various reptilian-grey types, there is also a species that has greenish-tan skin, large almond-shaped eyes that are golden in color with a dark, metallic green vertical slit pupil. They share the same basic physical construct as a grey entity and are usually seen wearing a one piece suite that is the same color as their skin.
Origin They play a significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are considered by some to be demoniacal residents of a subterranean realm. The reptiloids on Earth would live Big Caves Underground. Allegedly descended from a branch of bipedal sauroids, Stenonychosaurus, which existed thousands of years ago on earth . The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size of that of human beings, indicating a large brain and possibly advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect.
Home System Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Rigel, Orion, Bellatrix Orion, Polaris, Nemesis,the Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila Description Although the reptilian being species are divided into sevearl types, there are physical features that are shared by almost all. These physical descriptions are compiled from a large database on reptilian-human contacts. In some cases, the experiencer may recall only one physical characteristic of the nonhuman entity that was encountered. On the other hand, other people have vivid memories of their encounter and are able to provide detailed reports of the reptilian beings anatomy. The information about these creatures varies from source to source. They are described as being from five and a half to nine feet in height and up to 200 Kilos in weight. They have scaled crocodilian skin that is usually greenish-brown in color. Some also have coffee colored scales that have dark green colored rims. The scales (or scutes) on their backs, thighs and upper arms are large. Their hands, abdomen and face, are covered with smaller scales, allowing more flexibility. Reptilian beings are both tailed and tailless. Some species still reportedly retain a visible 'tail' although much atrophied from their supposedly extinct' saurian ancestors. The tails are differentiated in size and are held off the ground. Their posterior can be like either that of a human, with a vertical slit shielding an excretory orifice or it can be a rounded muscular area extending from the base of the spine to the upper thigh region. They have lean, firm bodies with powerful arms and legs. They have long arms with three fairly long fingers and an opposable thumb. Their feet have three toes and one recessed fourth toe that is toward the back side of their ankle. The claws of their hands and feet are short and blunt. They do not have teats on their upper torso and they do not have a navel. Their heads are slightly conical in shape and have two bony ridges riding from their brow, across their back sloping skull, toward the back of their head. Throughout history, these bony ridges have been misidentified as horns. There appears to be no bridge between their eyes. The nasal openings are at the end of a small, flattened nose and are described as two small slits that slant upwards in a V formation. Some experiencers have reported seeing small openings on the sides of their heads, but have noted that there is no fleshy part extending from this area. They have wide lipless mouths which contain differentiated types of teeth, including canines (fangs.) They have either large black eyes with vertical slit pupils or eyes that white with flame colored vertical slit pupils. Reptilian beings have no body or facial hair. Occasionally, experiencers will have observed reptilian beings with thin, fleshy spines under their chins. From a distance, this physical feature is often misidentified as hair. Their genitalia are concealed within a vertical slit located at the base of the torso. In the case of women who claim to have experienced sexual encounters with reptoids, the male reptilian beings are described as having a well endowed penis that is lacking a soft sacked scrotum. Where the scrotum sack is located on a human, the reptilian male, apparently, has a firm, muscular bulge leading from the base of the penis to the underside of the torso.
Biology Cold-blooded like all reptiles, the Reptiloid is found to flourish in a warm, tropical clime. With imperfect respiration providing just enough oxygen to supply tissues and maintain the processing of food and combustion, their temperature can be raised only a few degrees above the ambient. The reproductive system is ovouniparous, with eggs hatching in the oviduct prior to birth. The underdeveloped Reptiloid cerebellus results in a slowness and simpler city of movement. The Reptiloid eye is composed of thousands of microscopic facets, each facet with its own independent protective lid. The eye is almost never closed entirely during waking hours; rather, sections of the organ are shut down in conjunction with the dominant light source.
Powers Huge strengh, molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an outward "human" appearance; telepathy; invisibility
Attitude These are highly advanced entities but viewed as being of a negative, hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard humans as a totally inferior race. Supposedly they consider Earth their ancient outpost and want to have complete control over it because their planet is becoming unable to adequately support life. The Greys are supposedly subservient to the Reptilians. According to Lear and others the government may have established a 'treaty' with this race, who consider it as a means to buy time while they methodically establish certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an absolute domination. |
Draco( Dragon Humanoids)
The Draco reptilian beings are considered the royal elitists of the reptilian hierarchy. The highest order of the Draco caste is the white skinned Draco beings.
In general, the Draco are usually seven to twelve feet tall. They are similar in appearance to the Reptoid beings, yet they do have distinct physical differences.
Draco have wings, whereas the Reptoids do not. These wings of a Draco are made of long, thin bony spines or ribs that protrude out of their backs. The ribs are adjoined by flaps of leathery, blackish-brown skin. The wings are usually in a retracted position. In some instances, such as in The Mothman Prophecies, by author John Keel, the Draco beings have been seen to actually fly by use of their wings.
In several contacts, people have seen the reptilian beings wearing a cape draped over their shoulders and down their backs. These observations can explain one of two scenarios: a) These capes may be a piece of clothing specifically designed for covering the Draco wings; or b) As there have also been reptilian contacts in which, after the wings have been seen to extend and then retract, people have said that the retracted wings took on the look of a cape-like material which flowed down the back of the Draco.
Another striking physical attribute that some of the Draco have are horns. These are not the boney ridges the reptoids have that are misidentified as horns, but they are actual horny protuberances that develop midway between the brow and the top of the skull. The horns are conical in shape and blunt at the tips. (It has been speculated that they use their horns as conical resonators.)
The Draco appear to have a much more athletic build than the other reptilian beings. This physical trait may be due to the physical demands required to fly with the use of their wings. Their upper torsos are extremely lean and their neck muscles splay out from the base of their jaw to their shoulder blades.
But how can the Reptoid seed not burn the faces of those who submit to semenancy from the shifting ones??
Let the semenancers of the Alaskan coven be damned!!
For those of you that don’t think that there is no such thing as aliens, you need to wake up. There have been reptilians living amongst us for thousands of years, and there’s countless evidence to prove it. This video does a pretty good job of giving you a rough idea of what the Draconians are and how long they’ve been here. Their disguises utilize technology that is much more advanced than the technology that is available to the general public (which is usually 50 to 100 years behind what the human elite organizations such as DARPA have), but it is still not infallible. There have been many instances caught on tape when the moving features of their face (mouth and eyes) have a slight lag time to recalibrate to the sudden change in movement. Hence the appearances of reptilian eyes or tongues for split seconds. One of my buddies who also (happens to be quite adept in regards to the reptilians and what they’re all about) was filming a city council meeting for ventura county when he caught something like this. He posted some of the pictures at his website (they’re at if you want to check them out) although the quality isn’t as good as the one shot by the news network.
How can you say reptilians are the Nordics allies? That is far from the truth. Well at least they aren't allied to the Nordics that genetically engineered us. They are humanities greatest enemies, them and their slaves the greys.
The centrality of semenancy to the alien agenda can't be overstated. Thank you so much for this information.
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