On August 19, 2004, Henry David Stites channelled Ashtar Sheran, stating that several starships from the Ashtar Command entered their final resting positions in preparation for a forthcoming Declaration of Cosmic Freedom.
ASHTAR SHERAN: español / english
Ashtar Sheran
We are here! Ashtar von der Galaktischen Föderation
The Truth about This Alien.
His is Not a Pure Blood Nordic and has Jew Blood
His Symbol-
- Malik Al-Ashtar (Arabic:مالك الأشتر) was one of the most loyal companions of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, the cousin of Muhammad. Malik Al-Ashtar became a Muslim during Muhammad's time and rose to prominence during the caliphates of Uthman and Ali. During the caliphate of Ali he fought in the Battle of Jamal and Siffin during the first Fitna in Ali's Islamic defence. He is recognized for his fierce and steadfast defense of Islam in battle as well as his pious nature. The appellation of "Al-Ashtar" is Arabic meaning cut, torn or ripped. He earned the title of "Al-Ashtar" from a battle scar he received on his lower eyelid during the Battle of Yarmouk.
- The Moabites were enemies with the Egyptians, having kinship ties with them through Joseph. The principal shrine in Moab was Beyt-baal-me’on, which means “house/shrine of the god of On.” The principal shrine of On was in the sacred city of Heliopolis in Egypt and Joseph married one of the daughters of the high priest of On. Mesha, the King of Moab, built a reservoir at Beth-baal-me’On (II Kings 3). On the Moabite or Mesha Stone (discovered in 1868 at Dibon) it is recorded that King Mesha “reigned in peace over the hundred towns which he had added to the land. And he built Medeba and Beth-diblathen and Beth-baal-me”On, and he set there the … of the land.” The stone is defaced at this point so we do not know what the King set up, but it was likely an image of his god, Ashtar-Chemosh.
Moab (Hebrew: מוֹאָב, Standard Moʾav Tiberian Môʾāḇ ; Greek Μωάβ ; Arabic مؤاب, Assyrian Mu'aba, Ma'ba, Ma'ab ; Egyptian Mu'ab) is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west. The Moabites were a historical people, whose existence is attested to by numerous archeological findings, most notably the Mesha Stele, which describes the Moabite victory over an unnamed son of King Omri of Israel.[1] Their capital was Dibon, located next to the modern Jordanian town of Dhiban.
- Astar or Ashtar is an astral god mentioned in inscriptions from the Ethiopian Axum Empire, dating around 200-400 AD.
“ This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.
Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.
All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill.
Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.
Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.
Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution.
This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit.
We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.[4]
Vrillon was a name he stole from Vril.
He is an Angel.
Angels are Evil Nordics that help the Grey Yahweh also known as Allah against the Good Nordics and Reptilians. They wrote the Bible and helped the Jews and Arab/Muslims. They try and Control Christians and Convert White People from Pagan to Christian using a Pope.
Ashtar Sheran is one of these Warriors try and destroy Nordics and there descendants the White Race.
They may seem to be described good but this is Just a Trick.
Universe people or Cosmic people of light powers (Czech: Vesmírní lidé sil světla) is a Czech religious movement centered around Ivo A. Benda. Its belief system is based upon the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations communicating with Benda and other "contacters" since October 1997 telepathically and later even by direct personal contact. According to Benda those civilizations operate a fleet of spaceships, led by Ashtar Sheran, orbiting the Earth. They closely watch and help the good and are waiting to transport their followers into another dimension. The Universe People's teachings incorporate various elements from ufology (some foreign "contacters" are credited, though often also renounced after a time as misguided or deceptive), Christianity (Jesus was a "fine-vibrations" being) and conspiracy theories (forces of evil are supposed to plan compulsory chipping of the population).
Benda based his philosophy on information from many independent books, including Angels In Starships (Giorgio Dibitonto), Inside The Spaceships (George Adamski), Bringers Of The Dawn (Barbara Marciniak) and others. He also adopted parts of Swiss citizen Billy Meier's philosophy. However, Benda's philosophy is in some points in conflict with Meier's and Meier has declined any contacts with Benda and does not recognize his movement.
Together they make Satanism, Pagan, Buddhism and Hinduism seem evil so more people became Christians.
She is not A virgin, Jesus was born when Yahweh Inserted the Sperm of Asthar Sheran and the eggs of Ester inserted into the 12 year old Miriam. she was named after Miriam, the sister of Moses one of her relatives. This doesn't make Miriam a Nordic as Yahweh needed Asthar to have Jewish blood in order from him to let him became known as High Angel.
Hmm, I am sorry, but you are completely wrong with this. I have no idea where you got your information, and I would be glad to correct it for you.
I am surprised that Ashtar was involved in Jeshewua's birth. I though Yahweh did it normally by himself :) Anyway this avatar from D9 worked with the other Jesus (oh yes there was another one! But their stories were combined into one) from D12 and they successfully accomplished repairing of damaged Amenti sphere and the so called salvation - unification of Hebrew and Melchizedek temple morphogenetic fields in Amenti sphere for all terrestrial races thus providing chance of ascension for everyone during stellar activation cycle 2000-2022. Good result so far, but the Draconians and other ETs never rest and keep twisting all the original texts and learnings which resulted in such things like roman catholic church, inquisition and such...
And who do You think You are that gives information that states facts about things in history? What har evidence do You have? There are millions of people that thinks that tey are right about some things. Everybody have a theory of their own... soo? The most of people talks about actully talks about Jesus if He was or if He was somebody else. There was mybe many prophets and messiahs but particulary THIS one became the most discussed person in history. Everybody talks about UFO but I never seen one.. And I look at the sky as often I can... You just talk talk talk but do You make a difference?
Part One;
The message of this article seems unclear, so some clarification would be welcome, but the effort to bring this issue to the attention of people is very welcome. While criticism is made of Ashtar Sheran, and rightly so, links are then strangely made to sites that actually support Ashtar Sheran as a genuine light worker.
Jesus is stated on Wikipedia to have been the creator of Ashtar Galactic Space command, but there never was any Jesus, though parts of the life histories of several figures who really existed, like Jesus the King of Edessa, and others, like Apollonius of Tyana have been drawn from to lend seeming genuine historicity to the literary figure of the entirely fraudulent Bible and Christian belief system, which itself is a malevolent psy-op weapon created through the Jewish Piso family who infiltrated the Roman hierarchy posing as being the creators of a benevolently-intended link religion for all the nations of the Roman Empire, with that fake religion really only intended to destroy Gentile society around the world so as to create a situation more conducive to Jewish world domination. After all, the Romans had tried so hard to heavily suppress the Jewish religion, so naturally, the Jews would seek revenge in this manner. The Muslim religion is a similar Jewish psy-op weapon created to do the same.
Jesus is pure evil, what kind of being would reject all non-Christians to be burned alive unceasingly for all eternity? (See 'What the Early Church Believed: Hell'). https://www.catholic.com/tract/the-hell-there-is
Jesus is referred to in the NT as a Rabbi, a Jew, and he hated Gentiles, read the story of the Canaanite woman, Matthew 15 21-28, there the demonic Jesus says; “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26 He answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.” Dogs means devil dogs or demon dogs (klippoth from hell) in the Jewish religion.
Part Two;
And if Jesus was not Jewish, what on earth was he doing saying he was one with his father, the same demonic one taught of by the Jewish prophets and the Jewish law, which he plainly stated that he had not come to oppose. He said he had not come to bring peace, but to divide with sword, hardly a message suitable for those purporting to wish to bring peace to the world or effect any genuine spiritual improvement.
Such religions as Judaism, Islam and Christianity are described exactly in the prophetic
vedic Bhavishya Purana as kali-yuga age debased religions of debased demonic beings.
'Jesus' said that everyone must hate each other for his sake, Luke 24:6, Matthew 24:10, (bearing in mind Isaiah 45:7), but to his Jewish disciples alone that they must love each other. The Bible says 'Thou shalt not kill', but again, that is meant ONLY for the Jews to practice amongst themselves alone, for the Gentiles, the following is applicable, and still is applicable today, and WORLDWIDE, as stated by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, THIS IS WHAT HE IS PUTTING INTO PRACTICE... Deuteronomy 20:16.
'Video: Temple movement rabbi proselytizes for genocide' https://electronicintifada.net/content/video-temple-movement-rabbi-proselytizes-genocide/14870
Jesus said do not go amongst the Gentiles or the Samaritans, this is why I cannot support Ashtar Sheran. Ashtar is a Jewish name, the name of the wife of Yahweh actually, and 'Sher' is a common prefix of other Jewish names. The Jews love to make little jokes as they make fools of the 'goyim', and like to make it a little obvious sometimes so they can laugh together up their sleeves at the stupidity and gullibility of the 'goyim', whom they liken to cattle in the field' in the terrorist instruction manuals the Jews call their their scriptures, such as the Talmud, Torah and Zohar.
Anyone at all who claims to be working with 'Jesus' is a pure fake, that goes for all beings like Paramahamsa Yogananda, Ashtar Sheran, Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj etc, as all are agents of crypto-Jewish disinformation. They may say 'nice' things, but when you see how totally evil 'Jesus' is and his father Yahweh, the people who proclaim that they are with Jesus just expose themselves have to be evil and fake and psyop agents as well.
Part Three;
The invading interdimensional Tribal soul entity has many agents infiltrated into many peoples, including into the yogic communities of India just as Rabbi Laitman says here.
'Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It'
Especially as Jesus himself never existed, when these others claim they are working with him, then you know there is something very wrong indeed, and that you are being led away from any genuine spiritual path, and in an assuredly very bad way.
I have practiced different types of yoga for several decades, and have experienced all these beings manifested to me in great clarity, and in some cases, at very great length on a considerable number of occasions, yet if they were actually benevolent, then they most certainly would not affine themselves with a being called Jesus, even if they were well intended and perhaps considering that unless they mentioned being with Jesus that many in the world, particularly the Western world, conditioned as they are to think of Jesus as God, would be too suspicious of their purported good intentions otherwise if they did not. If they were indeed genuine, it would have been better for them if they had never mentioned Jesus in the way they have, but that is how they like to menace you, by offering a candy-coated deception in such a way that is seemingly uncomfortable for many to reject. It would be far better for all to reject it, no matter what fine promises they pass up in doing so.
I read a channelling of Ashtar Sharan saying a great many all over the world would be taken up to safety on fifth dimensional spaceships in orbit around Earth on 21st December 2020, nothing happened. He said a second sun would become manifest, nothing happened. I suspect these grandiose promises are being made to lullaby people to sleep whilst the COVID-19 murder weapon vaccines are rolled out, so that people think 'Jesus will save us', or Commander Ashtar Sheran will save us'. The Jews behind this are having a laugh.
Part Four;
The real Jesus prophesied by the Jewish scriptures has not come yet, and the Jews say so, but nonetheless he is a Jewish person intended to serve only the interests of the Jews.
But it is as it is, Jesus is evil, and so must they be. Jesus is foretold in Jewish scriptures, and when he comes, the Zohar states that every Jew will first have 2,800 slaves, and that ultimately, as Karl Marx proclaimed in 1849 too; "THe chief mission of all other races and peoples, great and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust", that all Gentiles in the whole world will be exterminated by their Jewish 'lord' in his wrath, and the Zohar adds that their souls will be sent to hell at the end of the world, no doubt to be further exploited through means of torture to extract energy from their eternal souls there too, so being that as it is, why would these so-called benevolent and obviously immensely powerful and intelligent multidimensional beings like Ashtar Sheran, Paramahansa Yogananda, Mahavatar Babaji Maharaja etc. all ally with such pure evil, and even claim to be working with an imaginary 'Jesus' on the inner planes? The answer is that they are working with the interdimensional invading military alien force of the parasitic Godless Tribal entity, which has created the convenient principal guise of a Jewish religion so as more easily to walk among the people of Earth as 'people of God', which I liken to the dark entity coming to destroy all life on Earth in the film; 'The Fifth Element'.
Obviously, whoever is allied with whatever 'Tribal' evil force of Jesus and Yahweh and Marx that intends to enslave and then ultimately exterminate all Gentile races and peoples in the entire world, is also allied with that intention and therefore no good for anyone except Jews, so just as Jews infiltrate all races as Rabbi Laitman has said, appearing as black-skinned, yellow-skinned or white-skinned yet not actually being a soul that is really a part of any of their collectives or from their dimension, but rather being military infiltrators with hostile intent, as Rabbi Laitman says, the Jew is here as a spiritual commando from another dimension (the vedic scriptures mention 14 different dimensions within this particular universe) to conquer this dimension, so even Ashtar Sheran et al are also surely similar souls, in reality likely being merely astrally projecting or discarnate rabbinical souls who merely pose on the other side in such fancy avatar shapeshifting forms to appear to us as Ashtar Sheran and Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj to deceive us.
Part five;
When we think we are communing with Ashtar Sheran, Jesus, Mahavatar Babaji Maharaja etc, we are in truth only communing with dishonest and actually sinister shape-changing hostile alien presences who can assume any form not only on the subtle planes, but also on the gross physical planes, as we see from the shape-changing aliens increasingly dominating our media, manifesting during shape-changing with their slit pupils and hexagonal irises that sometimes turn completely black, or exhibit many other non-human features.
I do not think though that all multidimensional or shape-changing individuals are necessarily hostile towards us of course, as even many humans can be good, and many can be evil.
It is stated in the vedic scriptures that on every planet or plane, within every species within all material dimensions, that there are at least some souls incarnate who are devoted to the real God, even on the most demonic planets in the lowest dimensions, it being the case that merely the general prevailing influence within every society differs in its extent in all dimensions.
Just as Jesus is not real, then the others claiming to be his associates must be strongly suspected not to be who they say they are or who they appear to be either, even though many psychics have astrally projected and actually visited the spaceship of Ashtar Sheran and seen it in very great detail and had lengthy conversations with him and others there in person and seen the appearance of such beings in their silver or blue garments. All these things can be manifested by very talented psychic beings who disturbingly persist in attempting to pass themselves off as genuinely benevolent beings, and in doing so are perpetuating massive fraud by saying they work with a non-existent being, who they say is an assuredly benevolent being, when he is in fact pure evil.
See Isaiah 45:7, Isaiah 19:2, Account of the Canaanite Woman, Matthew 10:35.
Read 'The Diegesis' by Rev. Taylor, explaining the fraudulent nature of Christianity and how the literary figure 'Jesus' was artificially constructed, which you can download here; https://archive.org/details/diegesis00unkngoog/page/n4/mode/2up
See also; 'Covert Invasion'
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