The Red Haired Mummies of the Canary Islands
Off the coast of West Africa lie the Canary Islands - this region became home to a mysterious group of Nordics in antiquity who became known as the Guanches.
The best evidence of what these original Guanche Nordics looked like, is in the fortuitous existence of original Guanche mummies, which are on public display in that island group's national museum.
The most stunning link between the Guanches and the Egyptians comes in the form of pyramids - the Guanches built several small step pyramids on the islands, using exactly the same model as those found in ancient Egypt and in Mesopotamia. The pyramids have an east-west alignment.
Generally dolichocephalic, fair-featured with blond or red-hair, with males over six foot tall and women approaching six feet in height, they were a people of tall, strong and comely appearance, resembling many Northern Europeans today but for a generally greater and more robust stature. Their general appearance and racial characteristic were valued by the Spanish:
"All historians agree in reporting that the Canarians were beautiful. They were tall, well built and of singular proportion. They were also robust and courageous with high mental capacity. Women were very beautiful and Spanish Gentlemen often used to take their wives among the population. The belief that the ancient Canarians were a people favored by great duration of life became popular at the time of the Spanish Conquest ."(Webmaster note a 'Fountain of Youth' and one of the reasons in reports led to Columbus to look beyond the Canary Islands for it.) [The Early Inhabitants of the Canary Islands, By Alf Bajocco, 1965 Part IV cont., D. Clarke webmaster]
Reference: Evidence for the Ancestors of the Guanches as Founders of Predynastic Egypt ,JONAH G. LISSNER
"The Proto-Guanche Historical Origins of the Egyptian God Thoth
While the Guanche were known to have worshipped the god of the sun, and of higher thought, Men-cey, (note that the first Egyptian pharaohs called themselves Men-es) or the revelation of god through the sun, it is unknown what the other gods, if any, of their pantheons were. Yet throughout the ancient Egyptian writings of the God-Kings before the Pharaohs, are references to men of other lands who became gods of wisdom before migrating to lower Egypt. One of them was Thoth, traditionally designated by historians and Egyptologists as the Egyptian God of Writing and Wisdom. Leonard states:
Thoth was born in a distant country to the west which was across a body of water. Its main city was by the sea (Plato's metropolis). The land possessed volcanoes and, like Atlantis, had a low mountain or large hill in the center. This land is sometimes referred to as the Isle of Flame. (Book of the Dead, Hymn of Rameses IV and Pyramid Texts)
A catastrophe occurred which darkened the sun and disturbed the gods, but Thoth led them across the sea to an eastern country [Egypt]. Thoth is depicted as the "controller of the Flood," (Leyden Papyrus) and the Theban Recension includes the Island of Flame in the Flood story. (Papyrus of Ani, Chap. CLXXV)
In Chapter LXXXV of the Book of the Dead, Thoth rules the "Western Domain," and by the end of the New Kingdom he is called "Lord of the West". (Seth, 1912) Thoth is depicted standing in sht htp [the "field of peace" known to the Greeks as the Elysian Fields], holding his writing quill and palette. The question is pertinent: Was Thoth an Atlantean god-king? [R. Cedric Leonard,]
The sacred island of the Guanches, the Gran Canaria, is a great mountain, white peaked, with very little arable land surrounding it as it juts forth from the Atlantic, similar to the description of the Isle of Rame, indicating an interesting similarity in the volcanic homeland of Thoth It may not be possible to prove that Thoth was an Atlantean God-King, but there are indications that the isles of the West were the Canary Islands, and that proto-Guanches of a more advanced state did explore outside of their archipelago with their astronomical, navigational and cultural knowledge and achievements of the late neolithic era."
Proto-Guanche Explorations to the New World
The asiatic Indians of Central and South America, traditionally referred to as the indigenous peoples of the New World, although increasing evidence is pointing to a multi-cultural pre-Columbian New World of varying ethnic Asiatic groups as well as Caucasians and proto-humanoid beings of more archaic age, referred to the Columbians as quetzalcoatl, referring to the plumed serpent-god of the heavens which would return in the form of a white, bearded man in the year 1519 CE (by the calendar of the Europeans of the time); this date was venerated by the Aztecs in Tenochtitlan as an eschatological date and preparations were made by the court astrologers of the palace of Montezuma for their return. Other tribes of the New World in both Central and South America also venerated these wise, bearded white men for their previous incarnations and flying canoes which had brought culture, peace and prosperity to these regions in the remote past.
Yet it is possible that the voyage of Columbus was pre-dated by other Europeans explorers; scholars have made the speculation and evidence for Leif Ericcson and the Nose colonies of Vinland circa 1200 CE; the Welsh King Madoc circa 1200 or 500 CE depending on the archaeological data interpretation; the Irish Monk Brendan circa 500 CE; and perhaps earlier Irish, Basque, Roman, Cartaginian, Celtic and Phonecian-Israelite voyages to the New World, thereby establishing a permanent and continuous East to West cultural drive and expanding many historical horizons of the abilities of the ancient ancestors of modern Western civilization.
The author Kemp explains his research indicates the sea-faring ability of the Guanches and their interactions with the voyage of Columbus:
In fact Columbus' starting off point was the Canary Islands, where he obtained supplies and water on Gomera, the island next to Tenerife. The Guanches on Tenerife in 1492 did not permit Columbus to land on their island - they were not impressed by the physical appearance of the bearded Europeans, who looked like the Guanches themselves.
When Columbus and the Europeans who followed in his wake landed in the Americas, they were welcomed and initially worshiped as gods, since the beardless Indians they encountered believed that the Spanish belonged to the same people as the legendary founders of their civilization, bearded men from across the Atlantic Ocean.
According to the Aztec and Olmec (Central American Amerind) legends, their god, Quetzalcoatl, had Nordic features (eyes and hair color) and a beard. This god came from over the sea and taught the Amerinds how to raise corn and build structures. [Kemp, Guanche Type Pyramids Found In Mexico, http://www.white-]
There is further archaeological evidence that the ancient cultures of the Mesoamerican New World, predating the Aztecs, Mayas and perhaps the Olmecs (who themselves had rather Semitic-appearing features including beards, long noses and black hair).
As the proto-Guanche were noted seafarers in classical and ancient times; it is possible that the tall, golden-haired and fair-skinned peoples called the quetzalcoatl, or the culture-bringers of the asiatic Indians of Meso- and South America, were indeed proto-Guanches or Egyptians working with Guanches, or Egyptians who were related the the post-Cro-Magnon Proto-Guanches that traveled from the Canaries Islands as a stopover point to the New World and the sailing currents of the Gulf Stream from the southwest coast of Spain and modern-day Cadíz (ancient Ibero-Phonecian name Gades, or That Way) along the Atlantics Canaries Stream, to the Caribbean and what is now modern-day Northern Brazil.
...and the Aryan Guanches - survivors who were living on what is a remnant of Atlantis - were exterminated by other Aryans of a devilish nature hell-bent on world conquest and domination - to, in irony, reconstruct a new Atlantis in the 'new world' - and all those of any racial background who opposed their beastiality were slaughtered - and still are being slaughtered. As this planet is freed, all Aryans - male and female - will be subjected to a tribunal trial to determine each individual's nature. Parasitic demons will be purged...
Maori could have derived from atlantic origin
Hawaii is part of the great zealand could even be atlantis due to its simularitys in it geo past..newzealand has rizen and sank over its history maori could have orignated in newzealand..countrys .sea tides current and wind would have changed over thousands of years due to sinking of countrys and other factors...please look into my theorys
The embarkation of the Portuguese into the Atlantic in the fourteenth century led to social and ecological transformations that brought sub-Saharan Africa within the orbit of European navigation. With the discovery of the Canary Islands in 1336, just one hundred kilometers from Morocco off the West African coast, the Portuguese found an Atlantic island archipelago inhabited by a people they called the Guanche. The Guanche, whose ancestors left the African mainland in repeated migrations between the second millennium B.C. and the first centuries A.D., were farmers and herders. They tended crops and animals originally domesticated in the Near East, which included wheat, barley, peas, and sheep and goats. But contact with Renaissance Europeans brought military defeat and enslavement. By 1496 the Guanche had ceased to exist, the first indigenous people to become extinct as a consequence of European maritime expansion. Heralding the fate that would await other peoples over the next 350 years, the islands of the Guanche became stepping stones for the diffusion of sugarcane plantations and African slavery throughout the Atlantic, a process that radically recast the relationship between Africa, Europe, and the Americas
Quetzalcoatl was a pygmy. PYGMIES have never been white.
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