Augustus is described as fair-haired and light-eyed. Augustus' facial features are clearly of northern provenance. As we'll see below, cranial form can't be accurately determined from Imperial Roman sculpture. But, if we extrapolate from the extant Roman skeletal remains, Augustus was most likely dolicho- or mesocephalic. Guenther (1957) classifies Augustus as predominantly Nordic.
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THE Nordic race is tall, slender. The long legs contribute towards the stately height, which for the man averages about 1.74 metres. The form both of the whole body and of each of the limbs, as also that of the neck, hands, and feet, is one of strength combined with slenderness. The Nordic race is long-headed and narrow-faced. The cephalic index lies round about 75, the facial index is over 90. The much greater length of the head, compared with its breadth, is more specially due to the back of the head jutting far over the nape of the neck. The back of the head, too, is in general relatively compact, so that the Nordic shows an upper part of his neck above the coat collar, before the line of the head turns backwards. The Nordic head is often strikingly narrow about the temples, as though it were pressed in here from both sides. The face is narrow, with a fairly narrow forehead, narrow high-standing nose, and a narrow under jaw with an angularly-set, clear-cut chin.
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Fig. 5 – Swedish Swimmer (By Börjeson) Nordic Figure | Fig. 6 – English Officer, Nordic Figure |
The Nordic forehead shows (in the adult, less clearly in the woman) mounds above the eyes, standing out over the eyebrows, and following a more upward direction from the middle of the forehead outwards than the brows (which take a downward course).
The cast of features in the Nordic race has often a characteristically bold effect owing to the threefold break in the line of the profile: first at the flattish, backward-bent forehead, then at the high-bridged nose, straight or bending outwards, and lastly at the firm, sharp-cut chin. The fleshy parts help to give an impression of a narrow, clear-cut face. The line where the eyelids meet (from corner to corner of the eye) is horizontal, or rather droops slightly about the outer corners. The lips are mostly thin; the groove from nose to mouth is narrow and sharp-cut.
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Figs. 7-10 – A Nordic Skull, seen from the side, the front, the top and behind. Sk, 70; F, 96.4 |
The skin of the Nordic race is rosy and fair; it allows the blood to glimmer through, and so it looks alive, often quite lustrous, and always rather cool, or fresh, 'like milk and blood.' The veins shine through (at least in youth) and show 'the blue blood.'
The hair is smooth and sleek or wavy in texture, in childhood it may be curly. Each hair is thin and soft and often 'like silk.' In colour it is fair, and, whether light or dark blond, always shows a touch of gold, or a reddish undertone. Nordic hair is best termed gold-blond, but it should be borne in mind that both the lighter (especially in childhood) and the darker (especially after childhood) blond hair is found.
In men and women who are light blond in youth there is often a later darkening to dark blond, or even to dark brown hair. This last case is probably to be explained on the supposition that with such persons inherited Nordic tendencies in hair-colouring are overlaid later by tendencies other than Nordic.
Red hair, in many cases, so long as it is reddish blond or golden-red, can be called Nordic. True carroty hair, however, must be held to be a phenomenon which (like Albinism) may be found in any race (Rutilism, Erythrism).
The beard in the Nordic race has curly or rippling blond to red-blond hair; it grows fairly thick.
The Nordic eye, that is, its iris, is blue, blue-grey, or grey. Although grey eyes are common in the East Baltic race, we must assume that they belong also to the Nordics, for they are found, too, in areas beyond the reach of any East Baltic strain. Nordic eyes often have something shining, something radiant about them. Their expression can grow hard, and generally has something decided about it, but a kindly though always decided expression is not seldom to be seen.
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Fig. 11 – Sweden | Fig. 12 – Norway; E, brown; H, brown; C, 73.77; G, 100 |
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Fig. 13 – Sweden | Fig. 14 – Norway |
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Fig. 15 – Sweden | Fig. 16 – Norway |
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Figs. 17a, 17b – Norway; C, 77 – 53; F, 91 – 60 | |
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Figs. 18a, 18b – Norway; C, 77 – 36; F, 92 – 12; brother of the above | |
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Fig. 19 – Sweden | Fig. 20 – Norway; C, 77 – 40; F, 91 – 66; E. blue |
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Figs. 21a, 21b – Sweden | |
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Fig. 22 – Norway | Fig. 23 – Norway |
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Figs. 24a, 24b – Norway |
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Fig. 25 – Norway | Fig. 26 – Norway |
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Fig. 27 – Norway | Fig. 28 – Norway |
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Fig. 29 – Prizewinner in a Swedish beauty competition to find the most “Swedish looking” Swedish woman | Fig. 30 – Norway (Slight East Baltic Strain?) |
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Fig. 30a – Englishman from Norfolk, Nordic | Fig. 30b – English Colonel, circa 1900, Nordic or predominantly Nordic) |
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Fig. 30c – Portrait of a Man, Romeny. Predominantly Nordic | Fig. 30d – English Officer, predominantly Nordic |
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Fig. 30e – Thomas Jonathon (Stonewall) Jackson; Nordic or predominantly Nordic | Fig. 30f – Peter MacTaggart, of Glasgow; Blond. Blue-eyed, medium sized, long body, short legs. Nordic |
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Figs. 31a, 31b – Sweden – Nordic | |
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Fig. 32 – England – Actress – Mediterranean Strain | Fig. 33 – Germany; E, blue (Slight Mediterranean Strain?) |
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Figs. 34a, 34b – Esthonian – Chin too retreating, nose too short | |
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Figs. 35a, 35b – Denmark | |
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Fig. 36 – Poland. Sienkiewicz, writer. Strain of dark-eyed race. | Fig. 37 – Australia |
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Fig. 38 – Austria | Fig. 39 – Corsica; H. fair; chin too retreating |
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Fig. 40 – Scotland | Fig. 41 – Scotland |
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Figs. 42a, 42b – Scotland. C, 78.53; F, 97.72 | |
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Fig. 43 – England | Fig. 44 – Germany |
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Fig. 45 – Germany – Head too broad | Fig. 46 – Germany. Ernst Haeckel |
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Fig. 47 – Germany | Fig. 48 – Germany |
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Fig. 49 - England. Mediterranean Strain | Fig. 50 – West Switzerland; Mediterranean Strain; E, brown; H, black; skin, rosy-fair |
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Figs. 51a, 51b – Spain – Asturias; H, fair; C, 78.92; F, 99.27 - Predominantly Nordic | |
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Fig. 52 – Sweden. Seven sisters, Nordic or predominantly Nordic |
I love the Nordic race.
God Save.
I love this race too ;)
Nordische Rasse über alles!
True but Germans are the ONLY true Nordics!
Scandinavians who claim purity are liars. Scandinavians actually have Mongol ancestry. It's a fact, and you cannot change history. So many with slanted blue eyes, flat noses and round faces. MY blog is full of pictures of them in their true light. However, they claim to be superior to others. I'm of German-English heritage, and my German grandmother always told me NEVER to marry a Swede or I'd end up with a very blond Asian-looking baby. So true! True Europeans are superior! NOT phony Nordics!
Now let's see if this gets posted or deleted . . .
Swedes & Norwegians are a Mongoloid-Euro mix. Germans aren't all pure either. Some have the same admixture. Those of Bavaria Germany are ethnically pure and that's one of the reasons they wish to disassociate themselves from the rest of Germany.
Swedes, Norwegians and many Germans are genetically inferior to Brits, Irish, Poles, Austrians, Northern French, Northern Italians and other Western Germanic, Celtic and Slavic European groups because of their Mongoloid admixture. Swedes, Norwegians and many Germans are not fully European.
I've read many silly things on the web, but the two comments prior to this one are over the top and it is not hard to see who has written them.
Vril Power Rising!
what is the thoughts on blond/gold hair and green eyes? my eyes started out blue and are now green. so are my fathers.
hmmm... I hear an echo of fail in the background...
Nordic and arians, european races...all stupid apes, equal all others humans.
I do not understand how anyone with intelligence can claim that one set of physical features is superior to another when it takes so many different abilities to survive on such a diverse planet. What does lack of hair, skin and eye pigment get you in the middle east, the tropics, the desert? Sunstroke, loss of moisture, horrible burns! All things have developed to survive in their habitats. Now we are beyond such superficial evolution, but the shreds of obsolete cultures nourish some and poison others with a dangerous fascination, sentimentality for a past that never existed. Circumstances of birth are entirely random, and should be sources of neither pride or shame. I realize that your minds are folded in on themselves and this can not penetrate, but I implore you: define yourself by your individual actions in the context of humanity entire, not as "privileged" spawn that cannot transcend baseless pride in a long long-diluted regional strain.
Naturally,some are better looking,smarter,taller,lighter eyed and skinned then others,but its preposterous to claim yours is the most pure,I'm of English,French,Austrian,Italian and Greek(Macedonian)extraction,and I possess classical Greek features,yet my Greek ancestors left Greece over 2 thousand years ago,now wouldn't you expect me to no have Features like a classical Roman/Greek statue?my family on all sides be they English,French,Austrian and Italian all without exception look classically Grecian!I have Hazel eyes(that change colours)brown hair,tall,yet I have black,blonde,brown haired relatives,some Brown,Green,Hazel and blue eyed,yet all possess classical Greek perfect symmetry,as far back as My bloodline goes we looked like this,now am I a greek god looking mut?or just the end result of the finest genetic alchemy,?if there were only two beings on earth living in Babylon,that gave you all your respective races,Genes,physical and mental traits,albeit over a million years,then isn't this debate nonsense!I'll settle it for you the Summerians(mesopatamians)and Egyptians started civilization!you were no more the cromagnons living in caves and trees,now your superior,how in arrogance and illiteracy!
Nordic Aryan crap worked well for Adolf Schikegruber, eh....fucking Zionist Jews BS to split brother Europeans one from another.
The fuck-wit running this blog is working for the Elders, and those who take notice of it are sheeple
This is to Set. You have made it very clear that you are a progeny of the Roman Empire. I think what some are saying is that we choose love and freedom while the ideals and original sin of the Roman Empire shoves their demonic megalomania down our throats. A little about me. I have diffuse heterochromia of the scalp and most body hair realized by translucent, white, blonde, red folicles, as well as hairs that are so dark red they only appear red in direct light. I have green eyes. I am not reffering to blue+hazel. The color green is very distict and unique. I am able to tan because of Swiss Italian on my fathers side. To my point. While I am a very strong and attractive man I have been the focus of racial dogma that is easily allowed because I am so unusual looking. Which brings me to your comment about living in Babylon. Why I see you as a progeny of the Roman Empire is because my peoples' civilization did not start with Mesapotamia. Mesapotamia was the beginning of the Empire that came to my peoples' land, killed the men, impregnated the women, until cultural assimilation was advanced enough to change thier language (except the Germans) then force religion upon them that enforced original sin into their minds. Evidence of this is Ceasar saying that slavery was evil but it was neccesary because everyone was doing it. Now I live in a world crammed down my throat by sinners who step outside of the circle of responsibility by handing off evil to their ego in order to confess it later. We seem to want the Devil as our pet but don't want to clean up the turds when it drops them on the neighbor's lawn. I think it's time to clean up the turds! How do you clean up turds in your yard? With Love! I really want to believe that Love will prevail over the oligarchs that pull the puppets strings and someday we will agree that the most powerful energy source in this existence cannot be our servant. We are the servants of the energy source (God). The oligarchs will never be our Gods. No matter if they call it Babylon, Mesapotamia, Roman Empire, The Crown, U.S.A., or Western Civilization; the ideals and dogma of the present plutarchy is pure parasitic evil.
True White people are the Albino types...If we refer to white people as Caucasian, then Greeks are just as white as any other but If we base Whiteness solely on skin colour, that would make Albino people the only true whites as the majority of European people are not actually really white, rather a blend of olive and off-white...that said, the Whiteness of a Germanic or a Celtic or a Slavic, means what exactly ???
The Germanics were forest dwellers, the Celts an earthy people and the Slavs, well what of the Slavs, each of these so called White races are what exactly ???
Lets not forget the Greeks gave us the word Evropi [Europe] A Europe without Greek Hellenic people in it is not Europe at all, rather a place where a conglomorate alliance of the descendents of forest dwellers, earthy people and Slavs live in splendid isolation, these races do not mix easily with each other.
I look at GrecoRoman people and I see a certain beauty to behold, I look at Germanics Celtics and Slavics...a Whiteness so dull in comparison to the GrecoRoman People!
I'd personally think that the Nordic race would be the weakest race. Albino animals that are found in the Amazon are usually the first to be killed. Just some food for thought.
Macedonia:From Antiquity and Beyond
Since the forming of the Hellenes, a collection of 230 known
groups tribes and kingdoms bound together in common speech and common genus, who's culture and traditions so resiliant and so dominant...Other, lesser cultures willingly and voluntarily succumbed to Hellenisms superior elements.
Macedonians...Just one of many Greek Hellenic groups tribes and kingdoms:
The northern verge of Hellas, a relatively less populated area, containing peoples and cultures considered by most Classic Hellenes to be little better than barbarians. Yet, these northerners have contributed some of the most notable features of the Greek historical and mythological landscape. Here will be found the Macedonians and Thracians, the Epirotes and Thessalians. Here also is located Mount Olympus itself.
Macedonians have always been Greek Hellenic people, right from the time they first learned to read and write they actually told us they were Greeks in ways which resonate and are still apparent even up till today, they were Greeks and nothing else...Just Greeks!
About the forming of the Greeks [Hellenes]
The title of this section is The Greeks, and not Greece, since from the mythical days of the Argonauts to the present, neither the peninsula of Hellas nor Ionia and the Aegean Islands have been large enough to hold the far-wandering Hellenes. Greek is a language and a civilization, the Greeks a people; the Greeks are the descendants of all the peoples who have adopted and retained that language and that civilization from classical times to the present. Some of these converts to Hellenicism were inhabitants of Asia Minor, others of Thrace and Byzantium, others of the lands bordering the Black Sea, especially the Crimea.
Into the peninsula of Greece itself, many thousands of Slavs wandered as immigrants during the maximum South Slavic expansion; the Turks brought colonists, including many Albanians, and whole districts of Boeotia and Attica and of other parts of Greece are today Albanian speaking. Romance-speaking shepherds, the Vlachs, have also made the slopes of the Pindus their seasonal pastures. Since the World War many of the Greeks living in Thrace and Asia Minor have been sent to Greek soil to live, while Turks and other Moslems have been in turn repatriated. Despite these attempts at producing ethnic order, much Greek territory, especially in Macedonia, remains ethnically heterogeneous. Furthermore, the number of Greeks who live abroad, be it in Egypt, East Africa, or in the New World, is so great that the Greeks are still almost an international people. Many of the Greeks leave home to make their fortunes on less stony soil, but many of them also return.
It is inaccurate to say that the modern Greeks are different physically from the ancient Greeks; such a statement is based on an ignorance of the Greek ethnic character. In classical times the Greeks included many kinds of people living in different places, as they do today. If one refers to the inhabitants of Attica during the sixth century, or to the Spartans of Leonidas, then the changes in these localities have probably not been nearly as great as that between the Germans of Tacitus and the living South Germans, to cite but a single example.
Macedonians have always been Greek Hellenic people...Integral to the Greek Hellenic Collective of Peoples. Macedonians are Greek and Nothing Else...Just Greeks!
Please, please, we must REMEMBER we are all made from the same STUFF.
While we are at ground level what will we say then.
I have more crystal than you, and don't forget that guy has more opal than him.
It's time to look at ourselves in reality,while we are asleep we may take our last breath.WILL ALL THIS MATTER?
A stupid greek claims that macedonians are greek.pfff. greeks are not white plus greeks are an inferior race. some of greeks are darker than araps . fake greeks try to be greeks becuase they are not original people . macedonians are white people living in their lands. but greeks are living in macedonian lands. soon we will kick them out
There are ugly and and beautiful people in every race. Judging people just by their appearance is a sign of extreme ignorance. Just because you are "white" does not mean you are better than everybody else. You could be the fattest, ugliest white person, and still think you're better than that tall, thin and beautiful brazilian model, what's her name, Adriana Lima? Seems kind of ridiculous now, doesn't it?
Augusto era italiano!
Augustus was Italian!
"When Rome was great, we Germans were still living on trees"
Adolf Hitler
Italians are gods, you little more than monkeys!
We Italians have always been demigods, you have always been little more than monkeys! We Italians have dominated the world two times in the history of humanity and for many centuries. And you Nordic races? Never! And do you know why? Try to guess!
The Nords are in power right now, and have been since around the mid 1700s They are currently referred to as the Anglo-Elite but better known as the English. World Domination is NOT something to be proud of. All it does is put a bulls eye on you and your people for the next usurping people. I've been to Italy, its a beautiful place. But full of arrogant blood i'm afraid.
True (Above) Something to consider about Italians and Romans. Romans can be Italians but Italians aren't necessarily Romans. Italy wasnt even formed around the mid 1800s. Given a territory called Italy probably by whomever was in control of Europe at the time, England.To say Italians are world Dominators is false. Some of Roman elite supposedly migrated up to The British Isles many times, and Ruled from there. Strategically The Isles offered more protection from attacks. Something they found out Rome was lacking when the goths came through.
Ok for the past milenia, when the british were not ruleing the world it was the germans,both nords, also, rome was pillaged by norse barbarians twice, visigoths and Vandals. Also when was the last italian military victory without entire german backing, never, the romans had nords fighting in their army even in rome. Many roman emprors were nords. You know nothing of history
Dark skinned people got rickets in Ancient northern europe also they are the largest race
Very true I myself am from German-English heritage my family is the Nordic race type although nordics can have green,hazel,and sometimes even brown I myself have greenish blue eyes and my hair when I was born and until fourth grade was blonde then it started getting a little darker now it's dark blonde light brown.light brown in winter and fall,and dark medium blonde in spring and summer I'm almost 6th foot and I'm only in 7th grade.My name is Allen I had relatives in the infamous waffen ss in the early war years when it was very strict to get in and you had to be a pure Nordic and yes people there were brown hair and eyed waffen ss the early war years.
True White peoples are the Albino types - If we refer to white people as Caucasian, then Greeks are just as white as any other but If we base Whiteness solely on skin colour, then that would make Albino people the only true whites as the majority of European people are not actually white, but a blend of olive and off-white...that said, the Whiteness of a Germanic or a Celtic or a Slavic, means what exactly ???
The Germanics were forest dwellers, wallowing knee deep in forest mud - the Celts an earthy peoples also, and the Slavs...well what of the Slavs! Each of these so called White races showed themselves to be inferior to the civilized peoples of the Mediterenean.
Lets not forget the Hellenics gave us the word Evropi - A Europe without Greek-Hellenic peoples in it is not Europe at all, rather a place where a conglomorate patch-work alliance, descendents of forest dwellers, earthy peoples and Slavs live in splendid isolation. Evidently, these races do not mix easily with each fact, they cannot stand the sight of each-other!
Whiteness eh!- I look at Greco-Roman peoples and see a brightness, a certain beauty to behold. I look at Germanics Celtics and Slavics...a Whiteness so dull, it pales in comparison to the Greco-Roman Peoples!
Greeks are Mediterenean peoples first and foremost - different to Germanics - Celtics - Slavics...Proudly different and confident in the knowledge that it was the Hellenic race that set the standard.
The Eighty percent of arts in the world is italian, the science was born in Italy with Leonardo before and with Giordano Bruno and Galileo after. The discipline of right was born in Italy. Dante, Machiavelli were Italian. The western civilistion was born in Greece and Italy.
What is the history of the Nordic race when compared with the history of the Italian race? Nothing!
The Nordic races have not contributed in any way to human progress, even the great German scientists of the last century, those who made the quantum revolution, in fact they were Jews. The Nordic races have sucked the culture from the countries of southern Europe, especially from Italy.
The Nordic breeds are cold, with no sense of humor, have never produced anything original.
The real inferior race is the Nordic race!
And then, women of any part of the world prefer the MASCHIO LATINO, hair blacks, blacks eyes, charming, warm and sensual as Rodolfo Valentino! Ask your blonde women.
I forgot ... banks also were born in Italy!
Some Swedes and some Norwegians are mixed with the northern tribes of the Saami. That's why some of them have the smaller eyes, flattish small noses, and the roundish faces. But I think this type of look is more prevalent on the Finns are basically Baltic stock, some look nordic but those are just the ones in the western part of Finns.
What, I thought northern Germans are the ones who are pure nordics and Bavarians are somewhat mixed with celtics. British aren't fully nordic either because they mixed with the celts from the British isles. Northern French are basically nordics mixed with Alpines, due to the Viking Norman invasion of France. Poles are basically Slavic with mixed of nordics, they look closer to the russians from what I have seen.
Nordics are fine, but I personally like Slavic type better.
Nordics stem from Germanic root and Germans are basically no good, never have been.
So what does that tell us ?
The original Hellenes were white. Look at Alexander and his men. The modern-day Macedonians/Bulgarians (thracian descendants with other various influences including non-white influences from altaics and vlachs) are still whiter than Greeks.
The Hellenic race doesn't exist anymore. Modern-day Greeks are not hellenes, they are mongrels who are admixed with anatolian sand nigger trash. That's why they look like their turkified anatolian sand nigger brothers in Turkey.
Ancient White Roman and White Hellene Civilizations destroyed themselves after they imported and mixed with the hordes of sand monkeys from Anatolia, Syria, Egypt, etc. See the publication, 'Race Mixture in the Roman Empire'.
All the renaissance and most of the medieval artists and intellectuals as well as later explorers such as michaelangelo, galileo, columbus, cabot were white northern italians, not southerners. Bruno is one of the exceptions, undoubtedly blessed with northern-dna.
There is no such thing as an 'italian race'. Italy wasn't even a united country until the 19th century. Northern Italians are heavily celto-germanic. The region was once known as cisalpine gaul. The Romans were a distinct race of whites, as well. It's the southerners who not only have sand monkey admixture from neolithic times, but also from importing mongrelized anatolian greeks and syrian/north african slaves during roman times. Plus the effects of the moorish invasions.
It's funny how southern mongrels claim northerners to be admixed with mongoloids, when in actuality the mongoloid component present in northerners is about as small as the negroid component present in southerners. If you talk about the middle eastern component, then it is no comparison, southerners are clearly of mongrel stock. The negroid component found in southerners comes from mixing with sandniggers (sand niggers are partially nigger, even jews have black blood from ancient times in which they mixed with ethiopians, [see the story of the Queen of Sheba], that's why they have very curly hair and pseudo-afro features).
The Medicis were also northern italians.
There is a difference between being a 'dark white' guy on account of uv radiation, while still maintaining sharp and pointy european facial characteristics and being a hooked nosed swarthy mongrel.
The original Hellenes were white. Look at Alexander and his men. The modern-day Macedonians/Bulgarians (thracian descendants with other various influences including non-white influences from altaics and vlachs) are still whiter than Greeks.
The Hellenic race doesn't exist anymore. Modern-day Greeks are not hellenes, they are mongrels who are admixed with anatolian sand nigger trash. That's why they look like their turkified anatolian sand nigger brothers in Turkey.
Ancient White Roman and White Hellene Civilizations destroyed themselves after they imported and mixed with the hordes of sand monkeys from Anatolia, Syria, Egypt, etc. See the publication, 'Race Mixture in the Roman Empire'.
All the renaissance and most of the medieval artists and intellectuals as well as later explorers such as michaelangelo, galileo, columbus, cabot were white northern italians, not southerners. Bruno is one of the exceptions, undoubtedly blessed with northern-dna.
There is no such thing as an 'italian race'. Italy wasn't even a united country until the 19th century. Northern Italians are heavily celto-germanic. The region was once known as cisalpine gaul. The Romans were a distinct race of whites, as well. It's the southerners who not only have sand monkey admixture from neolithic times, but also from importing mongrelized anatolian greeks and syrian/north african slaves during roman times. Plus the effects of the moorish invasions.
Nordics are white mongols. White on the outside, yellow on the inside.
It was the mediterrenean race that gave us civilization...Hellenes and Latins, the forefathers of our western civilization. Nordics came out of the forest to find it.
Greeks/S. italians are brown arabs. Both in the inside and the outside. The Original IE european settlers who conquered italy/greece from the pre-IE ME-like people such as the etruscans (Who had connections to anatolian ME like turks) mixed with these native inhabitants, and thus producing mediterraneans. The elite greco-romans were white, the commoners were of various pre-IE racially mixed stock.
TurkoSlavic Abdul-Monkey!
Only FYRoM Turkish Goranovic Monkeys connect Etruscans to Turks.
Go Home FYRoM Turkish Troll!
TurkoSlavic Kemalovic-Monkey!
Only Southern Europe expressed civilization, the North Europe expressed barbarism: this is the only fact. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, had to pass a thousand years to reabsorb you barbarians of the North. GOT IT?
Gaius Iulius Caesar
The Western Worlds Cultural Historical Narrative recorded the ancient-Macedonians as a Greek-speaking Hellenic-peoples. FYRoM cannot use the Macedonian Name for sovereign state-name, nationality, language and ethnicity. The Message is Clear: FYRoM cannot use another peoples regional-tribal name for National-Identity - Crystal Clear!
From a Historical Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians were always depicted belonging to the Greek-Hellenic World.
From a Linguistic Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians was always portrayed as a Centum-Greek speaking region inhabited by North-Dorian Hellenic-peoples
From a Cultural Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians were always seen subscribing to Hellenism...the culture of the Greeks.
From a Religious Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians were always illustrated practicing the religious beliefs of the Greeks.
From a Material-Culture Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians always used Greek things...from dress code to building materials, to pots and pans.
From a Foreign Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians was always seen as a Greek-speaking region inhabited by Hellenic-peoples.
From a latin-Roman Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians were ring-fenced into administrative district the latin-Romans kept Greek and distinct. Macedonia Secunda Salutaris, the Second-Macedonia, or Beneficial-Macedonia, was an administrative district the latin-Romans reserved for NoN-Greeks - Paeonians, Dardanians etc.
From a Greco-Roman Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians were ring-fenced into a military district protected zone named 'Theme-Macedonia' relocated in Thrace...where modern-day Bulgaria is situated.
From a Naming Perspective - Macedonia(n) is an ancient and archaic Greek-Hellenic regional-tribal name...created by Centum-Greek speakers, the originators of the name in the first place.
From Ownership Perspective - Macedonia and Macedonians: The best demonstration of Ownership over that name is 'Theme-Macedonia' where Byzantine Greco-Romans relocated the name to a different geographical location in Thrace. Names go wherever the creators and oroginators take them...even to different far away places.
Conclusion:Macedonia is Hellenic from since the times of King Karanus 778-808 BC...
...and the rest is history! More great articles here:
Haha alot of the stuff you people are saying is quite funny alot of you are saying that the nordic race have done nothing in history but when you start reveiw some history you will come to find out that some the earliest kings and ruler were of nordic blood take the ancient summarian race there kings were described having very white skin light hair and blue eyes also some pharros had red hair after genetic testing was done also alexander the great was a red head and some of the only written descriptions of jesus described him as having red hair and blue gray eyes and many myths like akillies hercules and helena of troy were all said to have red hair that were said tobe demigods were of nordic blood so if all those things I mentioned arent history I dont know what is and also king david was a redhead as well so I think I see some kind of pattern there or its just me because alot of these posts must be people with very low brain power that needs to check the data that backz up there statements that they are implying because they are very stupid saying the nordic race havnt contributed to history but what I see is they make up most of history written
The Aryan ancestry can be traced back to the bloodline of Cain in the bible. Your bloodline and/or DNA has been mixed with the fallen one's (Lucifer) and is cursed unless you become "Born Again" through Jesus Christ. I see that you declare yourself as a Pagan. Well,this is the natural descent of your race, to be drawn to Paganism and ultimately worship Lucifer. These races are the serpent's seed,as the bible refers to Cain being offspring from Satan. Research for yourself....Not meant to demean your race,especially since none of us even had a choice in the matter. The truth can be painful, however, better to process & research this info now, prior to going to your grave...Even in Revelations, the tribe of Dan is excluded altogether, wen listing the tribes these are the blond/ blue eyed Scandinavian, Nordic people. These people mixed their bloodline with the fallen angels, which you refer to as Aliens. This mix with fallen ones was forbidden by God, which brought the great flood. God has said;"Let the two grow together (wheat and tares) and then He will separate them....
There is no such thing as Nordic aliens you stupid retarded twat. BCDavis you're a complete idiot, Cain was not real and either is god you retard. No bloodline can be traced back to him, quit making up shit. Pagans don't worship Lucifer either they worship pagan gods. Saying Pagans worship Satan is like saying atheists worship god, please kill yourself you stupid fucking kike.
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